Saturday, September 4, 2010


The book of Genesis is in part a story to explain a concept to people who have no knowledge of things like time, space, gravity, any of the physical cosmic laws, or even knowledge of a world beyond their own backyards. The Genesis stories are all lumped together together to lay the foundation to teach those people and us. We now understand too much and its hard to make the pieces fit and make sense. Maybe, just maybe, I need to know more.

In the beginning there was nothing but God. Then God created. From what? With what? Any eight grader attending his first communion classes knows there is a problem here. Heck, even before the eighth grade, they know there is a problem and will question. We are being told to take a leap of faith, many leaps based on the simple fact that we, the uneducated, are not capable of understanding. We are instructed that we must assume the church leaders can understand the message. They tell us we just have to believe, or we will go to hell. Keep the flock in the dark, it goes all the way back to Moses. The confusion is starting. Don't ask questions, they say. Just believe everything you are told.
Being told to have faith is a cover up for "we don't know, but believe us anyway" With that "you must have faith" gimmick, the church leaders do more damage than good. They totally try to stop our given right to discuss, learn and share. We should be digging and learning. Don't just read the bible, you will be okay.

The biblical creation story is only the first two chapters of the bible. If we read Genesis closely, there are contradictions. In the first chapter God creates the earth and it was covered with water. Where did the water come from? Next God divides the waters in land and sea. Then comes the plants, trees and fish. Next are the sun, moon and stars with the seasons. On and on. What about the waters above the Heavens, is that for use at a different time, like the flood? Who made God?

The big bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago.The earth is 4.5 billion years old. (These are just estimates, I could be incorrect) That is about nine billion years between events. 250 million years ago there was a mass extinction of about 90 percent of the animals. Evolution kicked in with the remaining animals. A great catastrophe occurred 65 million years ago when a asteroid struck the earth. The dust and gasses from the explosion, plus the greenhouse effects from the many existing volcanoes killed off the Dinosaurs and ended their domination. The only living things were the sea creatures, small land mammals such as rodents, and bugs. This brings us to the time of the early primates. Nearly three million years ago one of the early primates became our humanoid line. The Evolution thing rolled along ever slowly with new life forms with the survivors. The first humans stood up on their hind legs three million years ago. 1.5 million years ago two human species began the migration from Africa.

People fear evolution because it proposes that man once looked like apes.
If God is spirit, how could man be created in God's image. What did God look like?

Look at the past ten years at man, 200 years ago the beds were short. We can not perform medical experiments on humans, that is the fascinating thing about evolution.

We have creatures that are similar to humans.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting! YES same here "must have faith" covers a multitudes of sins or that should read covers a multitude of lies or don't knows!

    It is hard, we are taught 7 day creation yet who completely believes it and how many of us have asked "who made god?" only to be told to not ask such questions to the almighty.

    In this day and age with so many sick people and so much atrocity can we be blamed for wanting some proof and walking away when we have none.

