Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Litter Box Revisited: The Blame Game: How Not to Represent Christianity

The Litter Box Revisited: The Blame Game: How Not to Represent Christianity: "Everyone is still in shock at the devastation of our homes and the loss of neighbors and friends here in Northeast Mississippi and many peop..."

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Was I ever a believer?

I know I am bound to tick off a few people, that is mainly why I have hesitated to write this blog, because I do have sympathy for the believers, and I do not want to do anything or say anything to mess up any faith they may have. As I have said, I held on to what little faith I had. I always wondered about the virgin birth, Mary was suppose to have gotten impreginated by God. Highly unlikely. I watched a movie last May called The Nativity.I realized a few things. Mary was a Jewish girl, and she lived in a village, they had the Roman government, and the village had Roman soldiers all the time. It showed a friend of Mary's being dragged away by the soldiers, and Mary was hidden by her mother. Soon after, Mary became pregnant.

She had to tell Joseph and her famiy. She was sent away to her cousin, Sarah's place. Mary, being Jewish, knew what the torah said, she knew she would get stoned, regardless of whether it was her fault or not. She knew she would be shunned and possibly stoned. Common sense told me that Mary was raped. Jesus was just a man. I was reared that Jesus was God in the flesh. Nope, he was not. This is my opinion, and Jesus not special. This is all a farce. The resurrection is a farce, tell me how is that possible? Jesus was mentally unbalanced, even his own family sa9d he was. I think a person from myspace made me realize this. He is crazy, and he says some off the wall things.

Religious moderates hold themselves higher than atheiists or fundamentalists. Tell me, how does one become a sophisticated beliver? I read the scritures again, this time I did not ignore the things I wanted to ignore, and just focus on what I liked. I always laughed at the fundamentalists. The Christian religion is built on lies. It was a shock to me to realize that all the beliefs were lies. I could not keep sticking my head in the sand and just ignore all the bad stuff. I remember what Pat Roberston said about Katrina. I remember telling my husband I could not believe he said that, with the lives lost, but yet people would do nothing but pray. Ike came to Galveston 9-13-2008, a lot of people just stayed put and died, they said God would protect them. OK, we had flooding waters, wind that broke off pine trees and they were like bullets, the wind broke the windows in buildings downtown, the homeless were fighting to stay alive, but this person in Galveston stayed in their house over looking the Gulf and ignored the warnings, because he said God would take care of him. PFFT!

Too many things did not add up to me, I have been reading Carl Sagan. When Stephen Hawking said God was not needed, it helped to convince me. No, I do not need religion. I am sure some Christians are going to say, well we don't like religion either, we just follow Jesus. OK, what is that? Don't kid yourself.

I am not a selfish, mean person, have always that way with or without God. I believe this earth is billions of years old.