Wednesday, July 21, 2010


This was written by Mark R. on myspace. Since blogs are deleted on myspace, I wanted to post here.

NO CHOICE: INNOCENCE (and reason) STOLEN (Please re-post!) and myspace censorship
Category: Religion and Philosophy
NO CHOICE: INNOCENCE (and reason) STOLEN (Please re-post!) and myspace censorship
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Hello friends,

Recently a blogger by the name of Mark J.A. posted a response to a blatantly homophobic propaganda piece that was published by another blogger who calls herself "Talitha Cumi", otherwise known as Char. As it turns out, one or more of the supporters (cowards) of Char's propaganda piece, which exploited the rape of a child in order to further a blatant homophobic agenda, had Mark's response deleted simply because on his blog, they were exposed for the raging bigots that they are.

This is a reproduction of Mark's original blog. Mark has since re-posted his own original blog too. I encourage all of you who are as repulsed as I am by Char's propaganda piece to please do the same. This is not a theist -vs- atheist "drama blog", but an attempt to expose those who would use the pretense of a tragic story in order to further their own homophobic agenda!

Please note that during the course of the comments, a gang of blog-trolls had posted numerous photos of minors with suggestive captions in them. Mark appropriately removed the images as soon as they came to his attention, however, another popular blogger, who goes by the name of Daddy, accused Mark of allowing pornographic images to remain on his blog. Daddy (Dennis) further libeled Mark in his remarks that he posted on Talutha Cumi's original blog. Dennis's remarks:

This website has helped convict over 500 people for internet exploitation of children. When I did a search on Mark J.A. using his hometown, this website came up. A man named Mark from his hometown was caught on a chat line attempting to lure a 14 year old girl to have sex with him.

Mark has crossed a line. When he allowed child porn to remain at his blog, he became a criminal. When he accused us of posting the pictures, he became even more of a criminal.

Read more:

Thank you for your time, and remember... if we remain apathetic and allow this brand of bigotry to go unchecked, we are only letting these people freely spread their hatred.

Marks blog (


(graphic content warning)

The straight community would have you think that they are no threat to society, but each community has its lustful few who, through their inability to control their fleshly desires, impinge on the innocence, trust and benevolence of unsuspecting others.

The truth of this story is an every day occurrence around the world. We pour out our hearts to the hungry and oppressed and to those who are suffering unjustly the persecutions of any group. Yet, we turn a blind eye to the tragedy of an innocence stolen at the hand of a vile and lustful person. Children are not the only targets of this behavior, but anyone whom they see as a vulnerable or easily influenced victim.

Living in Homosassa, Flordia, on Feb. 24, 2005, Jessica was a beautiful 9 year old girl who loved life. She was asleep, since it was around 3 am, perhaps dreaming of playing with her friends, or something she had done at school the previous day. She didn’t hear the man come in through an unlocked door of her house.

John Couey was a 47 year old sex offender who lived roughly 100 yards away from Jessica’s home. He had been watching her for some time now, and new what he wanted. He crept into her bedroom. As he woke her up he said to her “Don’t yell or nothing”. He then proceeded to bring her back to where he was staying. Jessica brought her purple dolphin, one of her favorite stuffed animals.

He kept this innocent young girl in his closet for three days. This is where she had to urinate and defecate, so that his half sister whose house it was would not know she was there. Investigators even came into his home looking for Jessica, but never checked the closet. They should have, because he raped her several times. He raped her in his bed that night. He raped her in the morning again. He used her, and when he was done, he told her he was taking her home.

Her heart must have leapt in her chest at that news. She thought she was going to be free. “Climb into these two trash bags” he told her, “and I will take you home”. Perhaps she thought it was odd, but she was 9, and all she wanted was her Mom and her Dad and to be safe at home, so she climbed in. She grasped her purple dolphin.

What she must have thought as she felt dirt being thrown over her head, as the weight of the dirt grew heavier, she must have started to scream. He buried her alive. She thought she was going home. Investigators say that when she was found, two fingers were poking out of the bag in an attempt to free herself.

This story was given to me in its entirety without editing so that it could be used as an example for anyone of interest to see. It is a true story of how the innocence of a child was stolen by someone who was much larger and stronger than she. Walk in this child’s shoes and feel their pain and then you tell me how right it is that someone should have to wear the burden of this act for the rest of their life.

This was an awful and tragic story, one I am sure you heard in the news, due to its horrendous nature. It is sickening to read, that this deep an evil is perpetrated on anyone, least of all the most innocent of humanity. I must admit, the idea behind all this is not mine, nor is all but one word of the first paragraph, or any of the second and last, those I copied off of Char’s blog, a link to which is provided for you at the bottom. This is a satire of her blog. Please take a moment to read it, if you would, to understand why I posted this. I also left out some paragraphs that she wrote before the story started, to shorten it a bit.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with anything in this blog, EXCEPT for how it begins. The pretense for the entire blog. Why would I feel any need to point out the sexual orientation of the person that did the deed, and suggest that because a straight person committed a violent act on a child, straight people are thus a “threat to society”? One word answers that question: bigotry.

You see, the difference with Char’s blog, if you have not already seen, is that she has “gay” where I have “straight”. And her story is about a male on male rape, specifically a 13 year old boy raping a 10 year old boy. What has sexual orientation have to do with what is obviously wrong, rape is wrong no matter who you are attracted to, what about that is hard to get for some people? Hatred of those that are different makes people do some very strange things.

What is the problem addressed in both the story shared above, and the one in Char’s blog? A crime against a child. Pedophilia. Yes, in Char’s story the boy was only slightly older, so it is questionable to call it pedophilia, but he was post pubescent, while the boy he raped was pre pubescent. Argue that if you like, but the point is the problem is not the sexual orientation of the perpetrator, the problem is what the perpetrator did. Pedophilia and rape, these are things that come from each and all sexual orientations, they are not restricted to any specific group, thus sexual orientation and things like rape and crimes against children are not related in any form. This is simple logic.

What Char pulled was cheaper and dirtier than a dime store whore. She wooed you in with a story that is obviously horrible and made it about gays, so that when you attack her for her bigotry, she deflects by saying you are attacking the child in the story. Garbage, folks!....

And just look at the “Christian response” it yielded, LOL!.

What is funny is how they proceed to go off on this angry tirade about how I have no compassion for the child. Seriously? Who has more compassion, someone who would use the rape of a child as a justification of their bigotry, or someone who see’s this child’s predicament being used as such and is disgusted by it, and calls out the one doing it. It is obvious to anyone not in their shrill little herd of braying fools. What they do when they put forth this red herring is nothing more than bearing false witness.

Char said to me “maybe you might want to insert your own child's name in the story, and then maybe it might mean something to you.”

Fair enough. If I inserted one of my own child’s names into either story, I would go after those who commit crimes against children. Going after straight or gay people is just as stupid as going after all white or all black guys, depending on the race of the perpetrator. Going after straight or gay people is just as stupid as going after all people with blonde hair because the guy had blonde hair. Its bigotry, its wrong, and it should not be tolerated, whether it is outright, or it is dressed in a horrible story about a crime against our most precious and most vulnerable, our children.


Mark J.A.

Links and References:

Char's blog click to view....

Jessica Lunsford, Wikipedia.

Jessica Lunsford: Death of a 9-Year-Old.

Further reading:

Family Watchdog Click to find offenders in your area.

The Normalcy of Homosexuality

Refuting Common Anti-Gay Arguments.

A Challenge for the Homophobic

Is Homosexuality A Choice?

On Homosexual Marriage

Please copy and Re-post as your own blog!!!

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I want to know why those tyrants have not had their profiles deleted yet. Surely there have been enough complaints.

Posted by †ravler™® on July 21, 2010 - Wednesday - 12:49 AM
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Good question.

Posted by HEY STALKERS on July 21, 2010 - Wednesday - 5:02 AM
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Mark J.A.

Mark J.A.

Thanks Mark! Peace my friend!

Posted by Mark J.A. on July 21, 2010 - Wednesday - 1:33 AM
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UK Atheists

How do they get away with it? that is the question on everyone's lips. As I say when one voice becomes many,then that voice will be heard. Time for Atheists on MySpace to stand united.

Posted by UK Atheists on July 21, 2010 - Wednesday - 2:10 AM
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Mark J.A.

Mark J.A.

Well said UK! :)

Posted by Mark J.A. on July 21, 2010 - Wednesday - 2:18 AM
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