Tuesday, August 31, 2010


THE biggest selling point in Christianity for the individual is the reward of eternity in heaven and saved from an eternity of burning in hell. If you look closely at the new testament it is not even clear on this.

The bible and all holy books contradict themselves. The bible contradicts itself about the promise of salvation.

John 5:28-29 is quite opposite from Matthew 6: 1-6. It also says Jesus came to bring peace, but Jesus says he came bringing a sword Check out Luke 12:51. Is this peace? What a contradiction. When people want to excuse their behavior they bring up the fact Jesus was not for peace.

SOURCES: Deism, Bob Johnson

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The reason that fundamentalism makes the claim that God needs his or her services is that it flatters the fundalementalist. He or she gets a self-stroke out of the deal. It makes themselves feel better about what they are doing.
When you figure God is on your side, you can justify almost anything. Recently a spate of bombings of abortion clinics and gay bars in North America has underlined how far this self-justification has gone. The murder of the doctor, (
at church with his wife), who performed partial birth abortions for women and babies that would have died, proved this. I have no idea what they think, a woman does, and she knows if she can handle the baby, it should not make them point their Holier-Than-Fingers at the woman, who is probably going through a guilt trip anyway. The woman does not need condemnation from these "do goodies", who more than likely has never had a abortion anyway and are usually males, and don't know the true story. Why does God need the fundalementalist to carry out his will, anyway. This does not occur to the fandalmentalist, since their concept of God's word becomes their justification, of course they use certain parts of the bible to justify their behavior.
Another appeal, equally damaging, is the notion that you're one of "God's chosen". Such an idea is outright appeal to vanity and ego. His or her reasoning, if they are the "Chosen ones" the other people aren't. They feel better about themselves, because they feel they are better.
It can justify a certain arrogance in thinking they are superior. This is seen in every religion, or public debate involving fundametalists when the subject of abortion rights or gay rights comes up.
They feel that God will protect them because they feel they are doing God's will. Of course if that were true, it would be seen in statistical analysis.

Monday, August 9, 2010


I read this from someone on Facebook that all atheists should be quiet and move on. I am not an atheist, but I was silent, tsked tsked when I heard about abortion clinics getting bombed, doctors getting murdered, gays getting killed or beat up, just because they are gay; Katrina happened because of the wrath of God, etc. I used to say "How mean spirited of them", but I would never speak out. I was a Christian, as Sam Harris said, a moderate Christian. I did not want to offend "fundies", but I was dismayed at the innocent people getting killed or beat up, the Katrina victims getting beat up on, etc.

I had read the Bible, questioned a lot of things, became a victim back in 1999 at my church because they said I lacked faith. I became somewhat agnostic after that incident, but I still held on my faith. However, once again I became the target because I dared to question and kudos atheists' blogs. They did not like the company I was keeping, and they made no bones about it.

No, I never proselytized at work either, or my friends, or my neighbors. I always turned away from the abuse being done to others in the name of God.

I decided I was a Deist, and liked Jesus. However, the things I was taught about Jesus was not true. Jesus is not God, that was a title that fell to him. Jesus never claimed to be God.

Yes, I was your typical moderate Christian, I am ashamed to say. I will not be silent or walk away, any longer.